With its striking shapes and unexpected details, Acid Grotesk creates a visual rhythm that feels fresh and modern. It allows us to communicate with clarity while injecting a sense of fun and creativity into everything we do.
Weights & Styles
Acid Grotesk offers a broad spectrum of weights, from Light to Black, allowing us to achieve the right balance between boldness and subtlety. Its styles range from sleek and minimal for more serious applications to playful and expressive for creative moments.
Acid Grotesk Black
Acid Grotesk Bold
Acid Grotesk Medium
Acid Grotesk Regular
Typeface Settings
Explore the nuances of kerning and tracking. Discover how adjusting these settings can enhance readability and visual appeal in your typography.
Typeface Settings (2)
Acid Grotesk stands out with its distinctive letterforms, featuring playful quirks like unexpected angles, curves, and subtle imperfections that add personality to the text. These details bring a sense of creativity to every message we share.
Case Sensitive Forms
alternate annotation forms
Tablular numbers
Slashed Zero
Stylistic Set
Subscript Numbers
Subscript numbers (2)
Fraction numerator/denominator
Kerning Pairs
Typeface Settings (3)
Explore the nuances of kerning and tracking. Discover how adjusting these settings can enhance readability and visual appeal in your typography.
Acid Grotesk Regular
Acid Grotesk Bold Italic
Acid Grotesk Regular
Whop is powering the future of the internet economy. Thousands of creators use Whop as their go-to place to distribute their offerings to millions of people throughout the world. From web apps to courses to private communities, Whop provides the tools you need to distribute your content.
Whop is powering the future of the internet economy. Thousands of creators use Whop as their go-to place to distribute their offerings to millions of people throughout the world.
Acid Grotesk Regular + Medium
Fund Size
Launch Date
Feb 09, 2024
Portfolio Managers
We want to use a mix of uppercase and lowercase characters when we create our headings. Utilize proper english when establishing communication.
Some people think pressure busts pipes, but we know it really makes diamonds.
Some people think pressure busts pipes, but we know it really makes diamonds.
Body Copy
The same goes for body copy. When writing body copy, to maintain consistency, set the text in sentence case.
People are forever addicted to the internet. They spend all day on their phones. We don’t need to change human behavior, but can at least make the best of it.
People are forever addicted to the internet. They spend all day on their phones. We don’t need to change human behavior, but can at least make the best of it.
Support Typeface
Ad in eu sit quis veniam enim ut anim aliqua. Cillum duis occaecat mollit culpa dolore pariatur do eiusmod sunt aliqua excepteur labore laborum elit. Sit veniam ipsum occaecat minim culpa aute. Et proident sit quis officia ad do labore. Lorem cillum do anim nisi exercitation fugiat anim ipsum pariatur nulla eu adipisicing eiusmod. Laborum enim veniam nulla laboris dolor ex in officia in consequat. Incididunt tempor nostrud ad dolor enim voluptate in veniam.
SF Pro Bold
SF Pro Regular
Body copy
A simple rule of thumb is to use SF Pro when there are more than three lines of copy. For punchier copy, use Acid, for more prescriptive copy, use SF Pro.
People are forever addicted to the internet. They spend all day on their phones. We don’t need to change human behavior, but can at least make the best of it.
An experience every creator and user wants to be a part of, offering best-in-class service.